Deteriorating Patient Social Media
Found 8 results for "Deteriorating Patient"Deteriorating Patient Hashtags 3 of 8
Hashtag | Type | Description |
#DeterioratingPatient | Healthcare Conferences | Deteriorating Patient The Deteriorating Patient Summit focuses on recognising and responding to the deteriorating patient through improving the reliability of patient obser… |
#SPSPpaed18 | Healthcare Conferences | communication, Deteriorating Patient, jason leitch, PEWS, recognition |
#NightingaleH2020 | Healthcare Conferences | Clinical development, Deteriorating Patient, patient experience, remote health, wearables, wireless health We are pleased to announce the Nightingale project conference focusing on Remote Wireless Patient Monitoring: Challenges, Experiences, and What’s Ne… |
#nhsdetpatient | Healthcare Conferences | Deteriorating Patient, National Early Warning Score (NEWS) This one day conference will focus on recognising and responding to the deteriorating patient including implementing the new National Early Warning Sc… |
#detpatient | Healthcare Conferences | Deteriorating Patient, Failure to Rescue, nursing, Patient Safety This one day conference focuses on recognising and responding to the deteriorating patient through improving the reliability of patient observations a… |
#DPLS15 | Healthcare Conferences | Deteriorating Patient, Healthcare Improvement Scotland Aims: Understand NHSScotland’s aims in reducing harm and mortality for people in acute care. Generate ideas for improvement by sharing learning on r… |
#DPEW | Healthcare Conferences | allied health professionals, Deteriorating Patient, Medical Education, Nursing Education, Patient Safety, sepsis The Deteriorating Patient Education Workshop is live now. It brings doctors, nurses and allied health staff together to work together to develop bette… |
#spspconf16 | Healthcare Conferences | Deteriorating Patient SPSP National Conference |