Digital Social Media

Found 21 results for "Digital"

Digital Hashtags 3 of 21

#dhcsHealthcare Conferences

Digital Health telehealth telecare scotland
#fh16Healthcare Conferences
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Healthcare is being transformed and to a good extent will be disrupted by digital technologies. Dive into 2 days of cutting-edge health innovations an…
#digisummit14Healthcare Conferences
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Shire Digital Innovation Summit 2014
#NHSGDEHealthcare Conferences
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NHS Global Digital Exemplars working together.
#digitaleldercareHealthcare Tweet Chats
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#digitaleldercare is a hashtag covering the role of #digital in sustaining positive family and community connections with elders across time + place. …
#EHRchatHealthcare Tweet Chats
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We're exploring technological progress in EHRs, pitfalls the industry has overcome, patient privacy and security, and how EHRs should evolve to meet t…
#PdDigital15Healthcare Conferences
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'A national event bringing people accessing services, health and care practitioners, digital entrepreneurs, third and public sector and industry toget…
#CaldicottDigitalHealthcare Conferences
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The conference will include case studies on information governance and instant messaging, video consultations, use of mobile devices and sharing of im…
#PDDAwards15Healthcare Tweet Chats
On the 3rd July 2015 the inaugural People Driven Digital unAwards will give big kudos to people who have found clever ways to solve everyday problems …

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