Care Social Media

Found 34 results for "Care"

Care Hashtags 3 of 34

#NewPowerHealthcare Conferences
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Conference on the energy of new power for health and care transformation. There is an event on 24 August 2017 including health and care staff from acr…
#cancerchatukHealthcare Tweet Chats
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Regular tweet chat for anyone in the UK with experience or interest in cancer. Founded by @GrahamShaw4 and @CRUKWalton. Takes place every other Monday…
#SHCRHealthcare Tweet Chats
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This is a weekly chat to discuss and share learning, experiences and reflections relating to our learning in the School for Health and Care Radicals w…
#BeyondFlexnerHealthcare Conferences
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What will U.S. medical schools look like in 20 years? Who are the students, faculty and administrators of the future? How will classrooms be differe…
#6csyHealthcare Conferences
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A meeting for all staff looking to learn about the 6cs
#SWHealth17Healthcare Conferences
The popular annual conference is the perfect opportunity to share good practice, learn about the latest innovations in health and care, and engage wit…
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#CforIHealthcare Conferences
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A two day event on 17th & 18th March 2015 for Improving Care for Older People in acute care and Focus on Dementia programmes to demonstrate high q…
#SpreadAcademyHealthcare Conferences
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Four day programme helping over 80 professionals to unleash large-scale change.

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