Elder Abuse Social Media

Found 7 results for "Elder Abuse"

Elder Abuse Hashtags 3 of 7


#EndElderAbuseHealthcare Conferences

A national alliance has been formed to combat elder abuse. Called the SPRiNG Alliance, this is the first time that a group of elder abuse prevention …
#LASA2015Healthcare Conferences
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LASA National Congress is the leading age services event in Australia. It aims to connect, inform and inspire people working in aged care and business…
#NCEAnowHealthcare Tweet Chats

#NCEAnow is a Twitter Chat that offers an opportunity for thoughtful discussion of topics related to elder abuse and elder justice.
#AskAwareHealthcare Tweet Chats
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#AskAware is a Twitter chat that covers topics for those taking care of elderly loved ones. Includes: Reorganizing the home/safety precautions, financ…

#PEILTCHealthcare Conferences
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Annual Continuing Medical Education Conference focused on caring for Older Adults in all settings.

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