Ontario Social Media

Found 9 results for "Ontario"

Ontario Hashtags 3 of 9

#improvesystemsHealthcare Tweet Chats
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This Twitter chat will share ideas on how to improve Ontario's mental health and addictions systems for children, youth, and adults.
#eating9to5Healthcare Tweet Chats
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In celebration of Dietitians of Canada's Nutrition Month Campaign, Food Bloggers of Canada will be hosting an Ontario Region twitter party from 12-1pm…
#MIIT18Healthcare Conferences
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Medical Imaging Informatics and Teleradiology (MIIT) focuses on emerging technologies and practices for acquiring, processing, managing, accessing, an…
#HQT2017Healthcare Conferences
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Health Quality Transformation 2017 is a day-long interactive conference with a singular goal: exchange ideas to achieve better health outcomes and exp…
#HLSS2018Healthcare Conferences
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On September 17th, join participants from industry, research, and services to frame Ontario’s health and life sciences sector as a competitive advan…
#SMHC2013Healthcare Conferences
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• Hear about what health care centres are doing and how they are communicating with their stakeholders • Learn new methods to increase engag…
#ONUP14Healthcare Conferences
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HIMSS Ontario & COACH are hosting: Ontario Update 2014 in Toronto, ON at One King West Hotel & Residence The day will consist of presentation…
#ehealth2014Healthcare Conferences
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Come for the education – new trends, the latest in technology, as well as best practices and new approaches to shared challenges – in the most ext…
#ONUP15Healthcare Conferences
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COACH and HIMSS - the second collaboration between to deliver an event in Toronto on March 3rd 2015 at One King West Hotel. The day will consist of p…

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