Outcomes research Social Media

Found 23 results for "Outcomes research"

Outcomes research Hashtags 3 of 23

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#ISPOREuropeHealthcare Conferences
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Virtual ISPOR Europe 2021, the leading European conference for health economics and outcomes research (HEOR), is themed, "Emerging Frontiers and Oppor…
#ISPORAnnualHealthcare Conferences
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The leading global conference for health economics & outcomes research (HEOR), is themed "The Future of HEOR in Patient-Driven Digital Healthcare …
#outcomesJCHealthcare Tweet Chats
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#outcomesJC (Outcomes Journal Club) is a tweet chat organized by Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes (@CircOutcomes), an American Heart A…
#ISPORLAHealthcare Conferences
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ISPOR Latin America 2019 is the leading Latin America conference for health economics and outcomes research (HEOR). The conference draws 1000+ regiona…
#GoodOutcomeCYPMHHealthcare Conferences
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This workshop aims to stimulate an interdisciplinary debate about what constitutes a good outcome in child and adolescent mental health by bringing to…
#ECCOSummitHealthcare Conferences
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Bringing worldwide leaders from the cancer healthcare, patient advocacy and stakeholder communities together to Vienna, Austria in a unique multidisc…
#ISPORSummitHealthcare Conferences
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The ISPOR Summit is a one-day meeting to present and debate a hot topic in the health economics and outcomes research (HEOR) space, usually related to…
#ISPORSaoPauloHealthcare Conferences
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The ISPOR 6th Latin America Conference is the leading health economics and outcomes research event (HEOR) in the region. The conference theme is "Driv…

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