Participatory medicine Social Media

Found 24 results for "Participatory medicine"

Participatory medicine Hashtags 3 of 24

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#s4pmHealthcare Tweet Chats
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Society for Participatory Medicine, including the Journal of Participatory Medicine and blog. ePatients, participatory medicine, par…
#WalkingTogether2017Healthcare Conferences
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The era of patient-provider collaboration is materializing and transforming the culture of care. With medicine focusing on better quality of care, be…
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#hivateHealthcare Conferences
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Bloggers Conference, Sydney Australia March 2 - 3, 2013 focusing on participatory medicine movement. Themes are eating well, living well, giving to ot…
#SPMHealthocracyHealthcare Conferences
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The #SPM2018 conference will be unlike any other. Yes, there are presentations, yes, there are workshops, but they are focused on progress and change …

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