Consumer participation Social Media

Found 14 results for "Consumer participation"

Consumer participation Hashtags 3 of 14

#PExS2017Healthcare Conferences
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The 2017 Patient Experience Symposium brings together clinicians, consumers and managers from across health to share and showcase innovative work and …
#healthreformingHealthcare Conferences
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Tweets from the Consumers Reforming Health 2011 conference in Melbourne, convened by the Health Issues Centre (18-20 July 2011).
#ACMHN2017Healthcare Conferences
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The aim of this conference is to deliver fresh, innovative ideas, alongside evidence-based concepts, with the view to enhancing delegates practice. Th…
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#VMIACConf17Healthcare Conferences
Conference of the Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council (VMIAC): Our People, Our Voice: an opportunity to yarn and forge our future. 1-2 Nov 201…
#iAOD13Healthcare Conferences
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With the whole of government Victorian alcohol and other drugs reforms set to reshape the delivery of alcohol and drug treatment services this year, t…
#youthhealthforumHealthcare Conferences
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The Inaugural Youth Health Forum is organised by the Consumers Health Forum of Australia. It will bring together a group of young people aged 16 - 30 …
#vaada13Healthcare Conferences
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VAADA Conference: 14-15 February 2013. VAADA is the peak body for Victorian Alcohol & Other Drug (AOD) services. The conference is held every 2 ye…
#iAOD14Healthcare Conferences
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ReGen warmly invites you to participate in a discussion of an issue that will continue to be at the forefront of public and sector debate. Much of thi…

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