Wireless Social Media

Found 7 results for "Wireless"

Wireless Hashtags 3 of 7

#USC_BCCHealthcare Conferences
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The Center for Body Computing We are on the cusp of fundamental changes in healthcare that go beyond President Obama's healthcare reform efforts. As…
#WLSAHealthcare Conferences
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Wireless Life-Sciences Alliance Convergence Summit held in San Diego, May 23 - 25, 2012
#DOTMED12Healthcare Conferences
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Medicine, as we know it, is undergoing a radical transformation. New innovations in technologies such as computing, design, biosensors and social medi…
#HIBCtvHealthcare Conferences
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@HIBCtv streaming coverage during HiMSS 2013 Conference and Exhibition in New Orleans from March 3 - 8th , 2013. HIBCtv ia an independent association…
#mHIMSSHealthcare Tweet Chats
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The mHIMSS Twitter Chat drives conversation around the global use of mobile and wireless devices to promote health and improve healthcare. Chat topics…
#wintertechHealthcare Conferences
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Health 2.0 WinterTech: The New Consumer Health Landscape Join us this January for the first ever Health 2.0 WinterTech as we explore emerging platform…
#H2i15Healthcare Conferences
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The Innovate Smarter Roundtable is a series of 6 events in the largest medical markets in the country. These localized events are designed to foster i…

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