Apps Social Media

Found 22 results for "Apps"

Apps Hashtags 3 of 22

#nhssmHealthcare Tweet Chats
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A weekly chat on how the NHS is using and could be using social media and digital communications. Wednesdays, 8-9pm GMT.
#HHcampHealthcare Conferences
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Hacking Health Camp est un évènement international sur 4 jours qui vise à briser les barrières de l’innovation en santé. Un évènement à dest…
#livappHealthcare Conferences
The development of Healthcare Apps, whether focussing on the power of social media to inform, engage and empower patients or as a vehicle for safe, ef…
#TSM2016Healthcare Conferences
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Chaque année, cet événement devenu incontournable rassemble plus de 500 personnes et contribue à promouvoir l'apport des applications mobiles en s…
#hackathonsaludHealthcare Conferences
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Health Hackathon in Google Campus (Madrid -Spain) with participation of Health professionals, patients, developers, designers, etc. to create programm…
#connect14Healthcare Conferences
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How can technology be used to improve the health and wellbeing of young people? Conference of the Young and Well Cooperative Research Centre, Melbourn…
#EcoWebProjectHealthcare Conferences
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The ECoWeB Project has developed and disseminated a mobile application (App) to provide engaging and personalized tools and psychological skills to pr…
#esaludASTHealthcare Conferences
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Un abrazo a la esalud en Asturias”, un sugerente sobrenombre para las I Jornadas sobre esalud en Asturias, organizadas por la marca Salud Social Med…
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