Clinical operations Social Media

Found 12 results for "Clinical operations"

Clinical operations Hashtags 3 of 12

#CVTransforumHealthcare Conferences
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The CV Transforum conference united the nation’s top cardiovascular thought leaders and transformational programs to help them stay ahead in today 
#SCOPE2016Healthcare Conferences
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Three days, 12 different conferences, related to clinical trial planning and management: Data Integration, Feasibility, Site Selection and Management,…
#EDPMA17SSHealthcare Conferences
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Premier conference for education, advocacy, and networking for all business partners in Emergency Medicine.
#SimOps2017Healthcare Conferences
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Join us as more than 200 healthcare simulation operation specialists, educators and technical professionals gather for SimOps 2017 at Michigan State U…
#CTD17Healthcare Conferences
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Clinical Trial Disclosure and Data Transparency Conference will provide critical and timely information relating to clinical trial disclosure and data…
#Canada17Healthcare Conferences
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The DIA Annual Canadian Meeting will reflect on the evolution of Canada's health system by bringing together key thought leaders from industry, academ…
#DIA_CFHealthcare Conferences
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“Rebooting Clinical Development” will be the primary theme for the 7th Annual Clinical Forum, coming to Dublin from October 8 to 9. The ev…
#SCOPE2020Healthcare Conferences
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Celebrating its 11th year, SCOPE Summit 2020 takes place Feb 18-21 in Orlando, FL. Over the course of four days of in-depth discussions in 20 differen…
#SCOPE2015Healthcare Conferences

SCOPE 2015 Summit for Clinical Operations Executives - Orlando, FL

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