Coproduction Social Media

Found 11 results for "Coproduction"

Coproduction Hashtags 3 of 11

#icncc24sHealthcare Conferences
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ImproveCareNow Live Online Community Conference – April 18, 2024 - Clinicians, parents, patients, researchers & improvers design & participa…
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#icnvccHealthcare Conferences
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ImproveCareNow Virtual Community Conference – May 17, 2017 – GoToWebinar – Patients, parents, clinicians, researchers & improvers gather vir…
#MdxCoPro17Healthcare Conferences
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This is the second annual conference of the Centre for Co-Production in Mental Health at Middlesex University and this year explores a major co-produc…
#PPIWhoBenefitsHealthcare Conferences
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Dr Sarah Carr explores the research ethical concept of 'benefit' & how this can relate to developing the practice of service users & survivors…
#NFICI18Healthcare Conferences
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A National Forum bringing together patients, healthcare professionals, managers, policy makers and academics to cocreate and exchange knowledge on int…
#ICNCC19SHealthcare Conferences
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Spring 2019 ImproveCareNow Community Conference – March 29-31, 2018 - Clinicians, parents, patients, researchers & improvers design & partic…
#InvolvingPatientsOnlineHealthcare Tweet Chats
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Tweetchat run by the BMJ and THIS Institute about involving patients online.
#QualityLife2022Healthcare Tweet Chats
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#QualityLife2022 is a 24 hour challenge for people to post a picture or film of "good life" in the 24 hours between 9am 21st June and 9am 22nd June on…

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