Digital Inclusion Social Media

Found 10 results for "Digital Inclusion"

Digital Inclusion Hashtags 3 of 10

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#agedoesnotmatterHealthcare Conferences
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The "Age Does Not Matter" festival is bringing together designers, citizens, brands, government and organisations to share thoughts about how to make …
#nhswdpHealthcare Tweet Chats
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The NHS Widening Digital Participation tweetchat will explore the challenges and opportunities for the NHS and partners in widening digitwl participat…
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#agecamp2016Healthcare Conferences
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#AgeCamp2016 is about solving problems, launching new ideas, getting support for projects, forging collaborations, testing products, or whatever else …
#HHT17UoNHealthcare Conferences
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The need for digital-savvy graduates who can collaborate effectively across dispersed teams, to create + support ICT solutions that positively enhance…
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#NHSPublicParticipationHealthcare Tweet Chats
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Twitter chat on engaging with inclusion health groups
#kentdigicareHealthcare Conferences
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The Kent Care in a Digital Age programme explores how digital technology can help to improve the wellbeing of individuals who need care and support as…

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