HITECH Social Media

Found 11 results for "HITECH"

HITECH Hashtags 3 of 11

#HITsmHealthcare Tweet Chats
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Fridays at 11 a.m. CT, leaders in health IT meet to discuss industry trends and how social media influences the outcomes of those initiatives. To foll…
#Ace15Healthcare Conferences
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The Allscripts Client Experience (ACE) offers registrants access to educational sessions, networking opportunities and keynote speakers.
#FOMIT17Healthcare Conferences
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NACHC’s FOM/IT con­fer­ence is a gath­er­ing of over 700 health cen­ter senior lead­ers, man­agers, and staff CEOs, CFOs, COOs, CIOs and fina…
#NCHICA24Healthcare Conferences
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The NCHICA 24th Annual Conference provides an exceptional opportunity to learn about the latest developments and best practices in healthcare IT. The …
#DataX10Healthcare Tweet Chats
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Experts from AcademyHealth and HIMSS will convene with leaders in the community via Twitter to mark the shared 10th Anniversary year for both the Heal…
#ViVE2022Healthcare Conferences
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ViVE 2022 will convene top thought leaders who are shaping tech-enabled healthcare and addressing key issues in digital health innovation to bring you…
#HITECH13Healthcare Conferences
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HIPAA created the privacy and security floor for the confidentiality of protected health information (PHI). Since its inception in 2002 and 2003 respe…
#HITECH14Healthcare Conferences
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The HITECH Act was established with the primary goal of improving the population’s health and the quality and cost of healthcare. The foundation…
#therigy13Healthcare Conferences
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"A Gathering of the Industry's Most Influential Leaders" http://therigycongress.com

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