HL7 Social Media

Found 11 results for "HL7"

HL7 Hashtags 3 of 11

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#HITsmHealthcare Tweet Chats
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Fridays at 11 a.m. CT, leaders in health IT meet to discuss industry trends and how social media influences the outcomes of those initiatives. To foll…
#SHIEC18Healthcare Conferences
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SHIEC is a national collaborative representing health information exchanges (HIEs). The organization already represents 60 HIEs, and these HIEs collec…
#hiba2011Healthcare Conferences
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VI Jornadas Universitarias de Sistemas de Informacion. Organizadas por el Dpto de Informatica en Salud del Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires y HL7 Arg…
#HIBA2012Healthcare Conferences
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Jornadas anuales organizadas por el Departamento de Informacion en Salud del Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires. Este año se trataran los siguie…
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#HL7genesHealthcare Conferences
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Accessing the Code: Interoperability, Genetic Information and Precision Patient Care
#EpicUGM15Healthcare Conferences
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UGM is where healthcare leaders tune in for strategic topics that touch all our healthcare lives. Hear from others about what’s working best and wha…

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