IAPT Social Media

Found 7 results for "IAPT"

IAPT Hashtags 3 of 7

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#olderIAPTHealthcare Conferences
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Health Innovation Network are hosting this event for IAPT providers, commissioners, public health employees, GPs, Community Health providers, mental h…
#IAPTConnect17Healthcare Conferences
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This one day conference will bring together adult IAPT and children and young people’s service providers, commissioners, policy makers and researche…
#IAPTLTCHealthcare Conferences
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This conferences focuses on setting up and running IAPT services for Long Term Conditions in line with the national requirement to expand Improving Ac…
#DigitalIAPTHealthcare Conferences
“More than half of patients who use IAPT services are moving to recovery, and nine out of ten people now start treatment in less than six weeks” N…
#IAPTconnect19Healthcare Conferences
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The conference is a fantastic opportunity for IAPT and other psychological therapy services to come together to share experiences, lessons and ideas, …
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