Knowledge management Social Media

Found 8 results for "Knowledge management"

Knowledge management Hashtags 3 of 8

#ukmedlibsHealthcare Tweet Chats
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#ukmedlibs is a tweet chat for anyone with an interest in library and knowledge issues in health.  Third Tuesday of the month, 8PM BST.  Topics and …
#HLG2016Healthcare Conferences
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The biennial CILIP HLG Conference: >350 health librarians from across the UK convene to exchange ideas, discover the latest innovations and make lo…
#HLG2018Healthcare Conferences
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The main themes of the programme are: • Examining the future workforce: What will it look like and how can you retain and grow your relevancy? â…
#eahil2018Healthcare Conferences
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Inspiring, Involving, Informing: Improving the health and wellbeing of the citizens of Europe The 16th EAHIL Conference has a clear vision: inspiring…
#GHPC2013Healthcare Conferences
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10 - 11:30 am German time: Health and social protection experts working in or interested in German Development Cooperation assess seven proposals of p…
#PerfmgtHealthcare Conferences
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This course will enable the participant to develop a structured approach to Performance Management; it will provide an overview of performance managem…
#hlg2014Healthcare Conferences
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"Attention will shift from the library to the librarian. The information professional is the library of the future.” Sage BL Summit 2012 Tw…
#eahil2016Healthcare Conferences
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15th EAHIL conference, held in Sevilla Spain.

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