Development Social Media

Found 15 results for "Development"

Development Hashtags 3 of 15

#sdgtalksHealthcare Conferences
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Sustainable Development e-Talks (#SDGtalks), is a special series of online talks featuring insights from thought leaders on range of issues around sus…
#globalexHealthcare Conferences
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GlobalEx AMSA global health leadership development masterclass. July 25-27th, Melbourne at the University of Melbourne School of Population Health. Br…
#GIA17Healthcare Conferences
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This conference is designed for academic medicine professionals in alumni relations, communications, development, marketing and public affairs/communi…
#peoplesforum2018Healthcare Conferences
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The Asia-Pacific Civil Society Forum on Sustainable Development will be organized by civil society (the secretariat represented by the Asia Pacific Fo…
#GIA18Healthcare Conferences
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The Group on Institutional Advancement (GIA) is the only national professional development group devoted exclusively to the role of institutional adva…
#ECDP2019Healthcare Conferences
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ECDP is now the premier not-for-profit digital pathology event in Europe, traditionally held biennially but to be held annually from 2018 onwards due …
#GHPC2013Healthcare Conferences
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10 - 11:30 am German time: Health and social protection experts working in or interested in German Development Cooperation assess seven proposals of p…
#GIA19Healthcare Conferences
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Whether you're a seasoned institutional advancement professional or new to your role, the Conference for Institutional Advancement is a career-changin…
#gia14Healthcare Conferences
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2014 AAMC National Professional Development Conference for Institutional Advancement is the only professional development conference designed exclusiv…

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