Assessment Social Media

Found 26 results for "Assessment"

Assessment Hashtags 3 of 26

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#thecgeaHealthcare Conferences
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The purpose of the CGEA is to encourage communication among members and to provide a forum for discussion of medical education matters.
#ICFtraumaHealthcare Conferences
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International consensus meeting to decide on the most relevant categories to measure function and outcome of people with traumatic injuries using the …
#MCCagmHealthcare Conferences
The 2014 Annual Meeting, “Assessment: Evolving Beyond the Comfort Zone”, is taking place from Sept. 14 to 16, 2014 at the Ottawa Convention Centre…
#NEGEA2017Healthcare Conferences
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Regional Medical Education Conference at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry in Rochester, New York from May 4-6, 2017. The t…
#RMA14Healthcare Conferences
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Rural Medicine Australia 2014 (RMA14) is the peak national event for rural doctors.. This is the annual conference and scientific forum of the Austral…
#INMED2017Healthcare Conferences
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ASM of the Irish Network of Medical Educators (RCSI Dublin, Feb 27-Mar 1). INMED welcomes educators of all health professions & will be a 1½ day …
#HowtoAssessHealthcare Conferences
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Topics include: importance of assessment, general assessment principles, formative vs summative assessment, suitability of different methods to differ…
#SGEA2017Healthcare Conferences
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National conference on medical education meets in Charlottesville, VA

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