Clinical training Social Media

Found 16 results for "Clinical training"

Clinical training Hashtags 3 of 16

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#JDConf2019Healthcare Conferences
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The junior doctors conference takes place once a year and acts as the primary BMA policy setting body for junior doctors in the UK.
#TiCE2014Healthcare Conferences
The University of Exeter Medical School Teaching in the Clinical Environment 2014 Conference is aimed at GPs who provide undergraduate medicine placem…
#hpsnUK19Healthcare Conferences
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HPSNUK19, the 2019 Human Patient Simulation Network (HPSN) United Kingdom conference in Nottingham, UK explores simulation-based medical education ac…
#LTEN2015Healthcare Conferences
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The 45th LTEN Annual Conference is the nation's single largest gathering of life science training and development professionals in the United States. …
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#LTEN2016Healthcare Conferences
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The 45th LTEN Annual Conference is the nation's single largest gathering of life science training and development professionals in the United States. …
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#hpsnworld17Healthcare Conferences
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HPSN World 2017 (#hpsnworld17) is the largest patient simulation networking event on the HPSN calendar, bringing together healthcare providers, clinic…

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