Community Social Media

Found 41 results for "Community"

Community Hashtags 3 of 41

#AIcommunityHealthcare Conferences
AI Community in NHS on how to share best practice.
#communityhealthHealthcare Conferences
Kings Fund ‘How can communities play a key role in integrated care systems and partnerships?’
#PaisaPadHealthcare Conferences
PaisaPad platform fosters an environment where users can freely share their thoughts, ideas, and creativity without being subject to censorship or amb…
#CommunityHealthServicesHealthcare Conferences
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National crowdsourcing event
#ShiftingTheNarrativeHealthcare Conferences
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The ESRC Centre for Society and Mental Health (CSMH) will be holding its inaugural annual conference on the 23rd – 25th March 2021.
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#CQCSocialCareHealthcare Conferences
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This conference focuses on preparing for and learning from the CQC inspections in Adult Social Care. Improving quality and experiences of care in comm…
#INHSU17Healthcare Conferences
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INHSU organizes an annual symposium to bring together health professionals (doctors, nurses and allied health), researchers, community organisations, …
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