Patient involvement Social Media

Found 13 results for "Patient involvement"

Patient involvement Hashtags 3 of 13

#EupatiHealthcare Tweet Chats
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The eupati chat comes up for the first time live from the Patient Expert Course Face-2-Face Event at Barcelona. We discuss diverse aspects in patient …
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#PPIchatHealthcare Tweet Chats

''patient involvement'- what's that? #ppichat Thursday, 8pm with @speccymcspec, @OliJAnderson & @Imonlyslightly in May 2014
#ILF2014Healthcare Conferences
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International Lymphoedema Framework Conference 5th - 7th June 2014 at University of Glasgow has an emphasis on practice rather than being a scientific…
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Eupati is a live twitter driven event takes place live from Barcelona from the Face-2-Face Meeting at the Patient Expert Course. It was co founded by …
#PatientsasPartners16Healthcare Conferences
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Regional conference cohosted by Recovery Enterprises, NHS Confed and SHSC: a conversation about creating the conditions where Patients can work in par…
#involveNHSHealthcare Conferences
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Health services in the UK are going through a significant period of change as they gear up to meeting the needs of our 21st Century population. The W…
#HealthResearchKentHealthcare Conferences
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Regional celebration of clinical research, practice development and innovation
#InvolveNorthantsHealthcare Conferences
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This event aims to inform, inspire, motivate and support public involvement in NHS services across Northamptonshire. Key healthcare organisations …

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