Patient reported outcomes Social Media

Found 17 results for "Patient reported outcomes"

Patient reported outcomes Hashtags 3 of 17

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#MLWBHealthcare Conferences
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The development of burnout, post trauma symptoms and mental illness, are increasingly recognised as hazards associated with working in the medical pro…
#PGHDinRWEHealthcare Tweet Chats
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Twitter chat following the #ISPORAnnual workshop to discuss Advancing Real-World Evidence to Incorporate Patient-Generated Health Data.
#acioutcomesHealthcare Conferences
The NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation and the International Consortium on Health Outcome Measurement are bringing together clinicians, managers, and …
#ispormilanHealthcare Conferences
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The theme of the conference, “Impacting Health Decision Making with Outcomes Research: Closing the Gap,” will be centered on the use of outcomes a…
#ichomforumHealthcare Conferences
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Forum on value-based health care. May 4, 2017. Sydney, Australia. Designed to spark conversation and encourage collaboration across the health sector,…
#GoodOutcomeCYPMHHealthcare Conferences
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This workshop aims to stimulate an interdisciplinary debate about what constitutes a good outcome in child and adolescent mental health by bringing to…
#reins2017Healthcare Conferences
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REINS Winter 2017 Meeting, Dec. 4th 2017, Bethesda MD. REiNS is an international effort to develop new standardized response criteria for determinin…

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