Health care improvement Social Media

Found 11 results for "Health care improvement"

Health care improvement Hashtags 3 of 11

#quality4Healthcare Conferences
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A Crash Course in Twitter & Social Media for Healthcare Improvement, BMJ/IHI International Forum on Quality & Safety, 16-19 April 2013, London…
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#NHPC19Healthcare Conferences
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As one of the only events of its kind, the AcademyHealth National Health Policy Conference (NHPC) brings together health care decision makers, policy …
#QF20Healthcare Conferences
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Quality Forum 2020 is a three-day event, with pre-Forum events taking place on Tuesday, February 25 and its main two days of programming taking place …
#FullerStocktakeHealthcare Conferences
The #FullerStocktake is a wide-ranging national stocktake of how primary care can best be supported within the emergent Integrated Care Systems (ICSs)…
#IHIBreakingTheRulesHealthcare Conferences
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The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) is joining the IHI Leadership Alliance and global health systems “Breaking the Rules for Better Careâ…
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#QS13Healthcare Conferences
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Provincial conference sharing inspiring stories of improvement in health care. Open to everyone from everywhere. April 10-11, 2013 in Regina, SK Host…
#QS14Healthcare Conferences
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The Saskatchewan Health Care Quality Summit is a fast-moving, jam-packed two-day conference. It showcases the work that is being done throughout our p…

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