Graphic medicine Social Media

Found 9 results for "Graphic medicine"

Graphic medicine Hashtags 3 of 9

#dotmd19Healthcare Conferences
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A Festival of Medical Curiosity which shines a light on the art, heart and future of medicine.
#HealthDesignNowHealthcare Tweet Chats
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#HealthDesignNow is a twitter chat created by @ResaELewiss @dohkoo @ellenLupton to educate, learn, create community, and organize conversations on the…
#iMED2021Healthcare Conferences
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The first annual national conference sponsored by the Innovations in Media and Education Delivery Initiative (iMED) at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical C…
#dotmed16Healthcare Conferences
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dotMED is an annual medical conference run by Dr Ronan Kavanagh and Dr Muiris Houston. dotMED 2016 will be attended by Doctors and medical students an…
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#GraphicMedicine18Healthcare Conferences
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This year’s Comics and Medicine Conference invites participants to share and reflect upon how graphic medicine works. In the context of health &…
#GM2019Healthcare Conferences
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This year marks the formation of the Graphic Medicine collective, and this is the first conference under this banner. To us this represents an opportu…
#GraphMed2020Healthcare Conferences
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11th Annual International Graphic Medicine Conference, July 16 - 19, 2020, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Theme this year is Graphic Medicine In/During Tro…
#NEGM20Healthcare Conferences
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Graphic Medicine is a genre, a field, a tool, a community, and a cause. It is large enough to accommodate all health and medical experiences, from tha…

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